In this Cartoon Christmas Card Workshop children will create their own Christmas Cards for Mum, Dad, family and friends, with cartoon characters they will learn how to draw.
We will cover all the favourite Christmas characters such as Santa Claus, Rudolph, Santa’s elves and the Christmas Tree. Plus gifts, of course!
Upon request, we can also offer the stable, nativity scene from the Bible story if desired.
Children will add these main characters to their folded card and anything else you would like to have on the Christmas Card. Then we will cover who they wish to give it to and the message.
This workshop also covers professional cartooning techniques eg inking in and speech balloons.
This workshop also offers the opportunity for centres to provide envelopes and card, at an extra cost, if they want the children to have this experience!
Phil Judd is a member of the Australian Cartoonists Association.
Cartoon Christmas Card Workshop – Age Groups
This workshop is suitable for all ages from 5 to 14 years of age.
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